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Pray For Jay - Update by Kyle

As I sit here and process all of the events of this past week and attempt to share an update that is not over informative or too...

Update on bringing our son home from India

So many of you have been reaching out (thank you!) and have checked on us because you know that we were already supposed to be in India...

Officially a Smith! What's next?

The last few months we have experienced a lot of waiting. The court process was no joke! We had 11 court hearings before becoming legal...

A Few Steps Closer!!!

So many of you have been asking if we have any adoption updates. We didn’t until a couple of weeks ago and the updates have been flooding...

July Adoption Update!

It’s been almost two months since our last adoption update so we just wanted to fill everyone in on where we are right now in the...

🇮🇳 Adoption Update 🇮🇳

We have SO much gratitude for the picture above. Since the very beginning of our adoption we have had a puzzle with several hundred...

🇮🇳 Really Exciting News!! 🇮🇳

8 weeks. That is how long we have been waiting to receive initial approval from India. Our agency had told us to expect at least a 10-20...

🇮🇳Adoption Update!🇮🇳

Hey Friends! So much has happened since the last post and we are so excited to share it with you. The first exciting thing that has...

Adoption Update!

Wow, a lot has happened since the last blog post.  We officially started our home study a couple of weeks ago and the t-shirt fundraiser...

Exciting News!

We were officially accepted into the India program a few weeks ago. The next step in our process is the Home Study. We have not been able...

Our Application Has Been Sent!

We are so excited that we have officially taken the first step in our adoption journey. We are now one step closer to bringing home our...

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